Healthy You

Week 1 Handouts

1. Live Well Pledge

2. ASDAH HAES Principles

3. HAES Resources From Kori Complete List

4. HAES For Friends and Family

5. Self-Care assessment Tool 2017

6. 10 Signs of a Fad Diet

7. Diets – 10 Reasons to Give Them Up

8. Weighty Conversations

9. BMI Letter

10 Warming Minestrone Soup With Quinoa


Week 2 Handouts

1. Am I Ready

2. Awareness Journal

3. Cost.Benefit

4. Moving Thru Stages of Change. Steps to Goal Setting

5. Stages of Change in Behaviour

6. Goal Setting and Evaluation

7. SMART Goal Worksheet

8. Eating Style Chart

9. What Are You Hungry For

10. Butternut Squash Whole wheat Mac & Cheese


Week 3 Handouts

1. Nutrition Cheat Sheet

2. 2019 Canada Food Guide

3. 2019 CFG Healthy Eating Recommendations

4. Fibre Scoreboard For Adults Canadian Cancer Society

5. Fit Fibre Into Your Day Hamilton Public Health

6. Fat Scoreboard For Adults

7. Protein Sources and Quanities Sept 2013

8. Healthy Hydration Ideas EN (2)

9. Salty Six Graphic

10. Seasoning Foods Without Salt Sunnybrook

11. Prebiotics vs Probiotics

12. What are Probiotics

13. What Does 50 Calories Look Like

14. What Does 400 Calories Look Like

15. Breakfast Cookies


Week 4 Handouts

1. Serving Size Fact Sheet Portion

2. Label Reading Handout 2016

3. Food Labelling Changes 2017

4. Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili with Kale

5. Food Label Reading Made Simple

6. Words to Watch and Nutrition Claims


Week 5 Handouts

1. 7 Mindful Eating Tips

2. All or Nothing Thinking

3. Body Appreciation Exercise

4. Easy Chicken Kale Goat Cheese Enchiladas

5. Emotion Inventory

6. Emotional Eating

7. Exercise the Inner Critic Questionnaire

8. Food For Thought

9. Its Not Just What You Eat But Why

10. Mindful Eating Marathon

11. Recipe For Overeating Instinctive Eating

12. Self-Esteem Package

13. Stop Sign

14. Summary of eating styles


Week 6 Handouts

1. Canada’s Physical Activity Guide_2016 + Chair exercises

2. CSEP_Physical Activity Guidelines_older-adults

3. CSEP_Physical Activity Guidelines_adults

4. Exercises You Can Do At Home

5. Hummus recipe

6. Increase Your Physical Activity

7. Physical Activity Readiness Questionaire

8. Rate of Perceived Exertion Chart

9. Small Steps to Better Health


Week 7 Handouts

1. How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain

2. Salads in Jars

3. Stress and Nutrition York Region

4. Top 10 Stress Management Techniques


Week 8 Handouts

1. 15 Tips for Holiday Eating Without Weight Gain Consumed

2. Eating Out Smarts Dc

3. Making the Lifestyle Changes Stick

4. Pear Crisp


All BCFHT offices and clinics will be closed Wednesday, January 1st.Click HERE for Available Health Care Services