Finding it challenging to keep produce fresh and available?  You may find this website helpful as it offers useful food storage tips.  For example, on your next grocery shopping  trip, buy fruits and veggies with both a short and long shelf life, such as: ⁣
• Berries 🍓 (short)
• Leafy greens 🥬 (short)
• Broccoli 🥦 (short)
• Tomatoes 🍅 (short)
• Apples 🍎 (long)
• Carrots 🥕 (long)
• Potatoes 🥔 (long)
• Squash (long)

Try making a weekly meal plan to help you prevent food waste. ⁣Meal planning can be as simple as writing down 2-3 meals for the week and creating a grocery list from it! ⁣

Click here to download a produce storage guide.