Summer is in full swing and the weather is heating up!   Did you know, over the next 30 years, the number of extremely hot days in a year is expected to more than double in some parts of Canada.  Staying cool and hydrated are the best ways to avoid heat illnesses.

While extreme heat can put everyone at risk from heat illnesses, health risks are greatest for:

  • older adults
  • infants and young children
  • people with chronic illnesses (like breathing problems, mental illness, and heart problems)
  • people who work in the heat
  • people who exercise in the heat
  • people living in homes that are poorly ventilated or without cooling devices
  • people living in homes without power (usually due to other weather-related events such as a severe storms or power interruptions)

Follow these five steps to protect yourself and your family in very hot weather:

  1. Prepare for the heat
  2. Pay close attention to how you – and those around you – feel
  3. Stay hydrated
  4. Stay cool
  5. Avoid exposure to extreme heat when outdoors

For more information on extreme heat, heat waves & heat illnesses, please follow the links below.

Government of Canada Website

Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Website 

All BCFHT offices and clinics will be closed Wednesday, January 1st.Click HERE for Available Health Care Services