Managing Insomnia Group
This is a 1.5 hour comprehensive group session is offered as a 6-week program or individuals with insomnia; specifically it will be helpful for those who have trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep or are waking up too early and can’t get back to sleep. This class will benefit individuals who would like to improve their sleep. This class is not suitable for individuals diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, individuals who work varied shifts, individuals with active substance use disorders or individuals with untreated Sleep Apnea.
What does this Information Session Offer?
This group will help you to:
- Monitor and track your sleep
- Develop a healthy sleep schedule
- Learn healthy sleep practices
Who can attend?
Any patient age 18+ belonging to the Barrie and Community Family Health Team is welcome to attend.
How do I register?
Call 705-721-0370 ext. 1 for more information.
Class Availability
Classes offered on an ongoing basis.